Author, Myself Brian Hamilton

Image via Wikipedia

24When they arrived at Capernaum, the tax men came to Peter and asked, “Does your teacher pay taxes?”

25Peter said, “Of course.”

But as soon as they were in the house, Jesus confronted him. “Simon, what do you think? When a king levies taxes, who pays—his children or his subjects?”

26-27He answered, “His subjects.”

Jesus said, “Then the children get off free, right? But so we don’t upset them needlessly, go down to the lake, cast a hook, and pull in the first fish that bites. Open its mouth and you’ll find a coin. Take it and give it to the tax men. It will be enough for both of us.” (Matt 17:22-27 Message)

I was listening to the book of Matthew the other day when I heard the above portion of scripture. Now I have heard this before but for some reason it stuck with me all day. I thought about what Peter must have though. Here he is hanging with Jesus. Jesus starts talking to him about paying taxes.

Now, this doesn’t seem out of order in today day and age we are talking about taxes and the poor economy. I am sure that during this time in Peter’s life the economy was tuff for all of those being ruled by the Romans. They actually had tax collectors set out at certain spots throughout the city to make sure it was being collected.

As Peter and Jesus are talking I can see Peter thinking he may have to find Judas Iscariot (since he held the money for the disciples) so he can pay the taxes that was owed. But in the middle of the conversation Jesus, in his so funny way of accomplishing God will, tells Peter to go to the lake, cast in a hook, and pull in the first fish that bites. Oh and by the way when you look in its mouth there will be a coin there to pay for both our taxes.

Now Peter is a fisher man by trade. He has been fishing all of his known life. I am sure he has seen his share of strange things. I can see it now; Peter is walking down to the lake wondering why Jesus would have him go fishing for the taxes that was owed. He is wondering, did I do something wrong, or what lesson is Jesus trying to teach me now? Peter is thinking, man I have to go and get a fishing pole, and I do not know anyone here. And where is Jesus, sitting down talking to folks while I am off catching a fish who is supposed to have money in its mouth. Is Jesus serious?

After Peter finally gets a pole and some bait he starts walking to the lake. Man, he thinks, I hope the fish are biting. It isn’t even the right time of day to fish. Final he finds a spot and cast his reel. While sitting there he starts reflecting on what happened during the day.

While he was on top of the mountain Peter saw a sight that no man has ever seen. When Peter responded due to his emotions he was reminded by God that he needed to listen to His Son, Jesus.

Then at the bottom of the mountain Peter had to sit and listen to Jesus describe his disappointment in the disciples due to the there lack of faith when someone asked them to help there son by casting out a demon. Jesus said,

17-18 “What a generation! No sense of God! No focus to your lives! How many times do I have to go over these things? How much longer do I have to put up with this?” (Matt 17:17-18 Message)


Later, when Peter and the other disciples were alone they asked Jesus why they couldn’t cast out the demon and Jesus responded,

20“Because you’re not yet taking God seriously,” said Jesus. “The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seed, say, you would tell this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn’t be able to tackle.” (Matt 17:20 Message)


All of this took place as they were on there way to Galilee.

No fish had bitten yet while Peter was sitting there but the more he thought about the day and the task that Jesus had given him the clearer the lesson became.

With a chuckle, shaking his head, Peter laughed and repeated,

  1. Listen to Jesus, 2. Focus my life, 3. Have faith, 4. Take God seriously, and         5. I can tackle anything.


All of this was taken in by Peter as he was sitting there. Well, if that is what I am supposed to learn them lets see, 1. I have listened to Jesus and am trying to, no…that is not right, I am doing what Jesus said. 2. I am sitting here focusing on my life, 3. Well, I had to have faith to go and by borrow this fishing pole, 4. I really am taking God seriously, and 5. I know I am going to catch this fish…….

Just then Peter felt a tug on his fishing line…..with a giggle, a smile, and joy in his heart, Peter started to reel in the fishing line thinking about how he couldn’t wait to tell the guys about this fish story.


  1. This is one of my favorite blogs you have written


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